Prenatal Forum 2019

Preparing for Your Future

Did you know...

... your weight can affect your ability to conceive? In fact, reaching a healthy body weight when trying to conceive can increase fertility significantly!

… ovulation day is not necessarily the best day to try to conceive a child? Instead, research has found that a woman's capacity to conceive seems to end on ovulation day.

… 1 in 8 couples have trouble getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy?

Whether you're just starting, or have been at it for a while, trying to conceive can be both an exciting and stressful time. Fertility isn’t a given, but fortunately, there are things you can do to boost your reproductive health and in turn, your fertility.

My goal is to inform you of ways to get both you and your partner in top shape to prepare for pregnancy which is why I invite you to attend my next event, Prenatal Forum 2019, on Wednesday, January 16th at 6:30 pm EST at Thrive Carolinas.

During this event I will discuss complementary therapies, supplements, and a number of techniques to help you get started.

Steps to take when trying to conceive

Conception and fertility is surrounded by myths and mystery for some. The good news is there are a number of proven methods for improving fertility health that I will be sharing with you during Prenatal Forum 2019!

Don't fall victim of the following fertility myths:

-Fertility advice is based on outdated research.
-There’s a 50 percent chance of getting pregnant each month.
-Taking the pill can reduce a woman’s ability to conceive.
-You should rest with your legs up after sex to help sperm reach its destination.
-There's nothing you can do to improve fertility.

During our time together, I will be addressing several of these myths and explaining what science has to say about different methods of improving fertility. When trying to conceive there are steps you may have not even considered!

Hormone balance, above all, is key when trying to boost fertility levels. During Prenatal Forum 2019 you will learn which supplements work best for egg and sperm health as well as other ways to improve reproductive health, fertility, and overall wellbeing during this special time.

Hosted by:

Corinne Weaver

Improve fertility health

I am motivated to help couples improve their reproductive health and point them in the right direction for the next exciting phase of their lives, parenthood! Conceiving, of course, is the first step.

During this event couples will have a chance to learn numerous methods for improving their health and thus their fertility. Many believe conceiving should happen automatically, however plenty of factors influence each couple's ability to conceive.

Many couples are over stressed.
Many couples aren’t at a healthy weight.
Many couples don’t understand the conception process and how to plan for fertile days.
Many couples are exposed to an abundance of environmental toxins.
Many couples don’t think about conception until they have tried and failed for too long.

There is no reason you shouldn’t make a plan when trying to conceive. Just like every other important life event, planning can make the process much smoother.

Can’t Wait To Share With You On Wednesday, January 16th At 6:30 pm EST!

When And Where
From January 16, 2019 - 06:30 PM To 8:30 PM EST
6401 Morrison Boulevard Suite 2A Charlotte 28211 United States